You have a good knowledge of Front-end programming languages such as ReactJs, VueJs, GatsbyJs, and Angular Js. Then join us on Saturday, June 29, 2022, at 20:30 GMT for an online meetup where together we will see how to integrate these languages in the concept of "Headless and Decoupled" on a Drupal project.
The Meetup is for students, entrepreneurs, developers, or anyone related to the computer industry.
- Good knowledge of the web in general (essential)
- Knowledge of CMS in general (recommended)
- Knowledge of HTML and CSS (recommended)
- Have an idea on how to create a website with the Drupal CMS
- Introduction
- What is a Headless CMS
- What is Headless Architecture?
- What is a Decoupled CMS?
- Headless or decoupled Drupal architecture
- The Drupal community in Cameroon
NB: You must register on the button below to participate
Date de l'événement