About the Drupal Cameroon Association
Drupal Cameroon (DCA) is a professional association of users, businesses and developers of the Free and Open Source CMS Drupal in Cameroon founded in 2019. Drupal is a popular content management platform for websites and interactive applications. 1 in 40 websites in the world uses Drupal.
The Executive Board of the Drupal Cameroon Association (DCA) is composed of 6 volunteers who were elected at the General Assembly for a renewable term of three (3) years. Members of the board are eligible for re-election. ADC promotes Drupal by organizing events on the national territory such as DrupalCamp, Meetup and Drupal Training Day etc.
The Association is non-profit and run by volunteers. Our costs are mainly covered by (event) sponsors and our partnership program. The rules and regulations of the association are available via the links below

KANA TADADJO Patrick Jaurès (President)
KANA TADADJO Patrick Jaurès is an engineer in computer science option in Information System and Decisional Database Management, a digital marketing professional with a CDMP (Certified Digital Marketing Professional) certification and Founder at QTA TECH SARL. I discovered the Drupal CMS in 2016 while searching for an open source solution that could help me solve a problem and since then I fell in love with it to the point of becoming a pioneer evangelist of this CMS in my country Cameroon. From 2016 to nowadays several projects developed with this CMS to my credit.

SOULEYMANOU Ismaila (Secretary in charge of organization and activities)

NDIMEN TCHIMENI Vanexel Luccin (Secretary General)
I've been interested in computer science since high school, hence my choice of the computer science option software engineering and database at the university. I like web development but more the design. I discovered Drupal during my academic internship for my BTS. I must admit that it was the first time and I was immediately interested, hence my involvement in the Drupal Cameroon community to learn more about open source and the drupal CMS. The events organized by Drupal Cameroon that I participated in just confirmed my beliefs around this CMS and I am proud to be part of such a team.

MAKENNE Nelie Laura (Secretary for Finance and Resource Administration)
I started working in the technology field in 2013, while I was a junior in math and computer science in college. Since then, I have been passionate about coding and web development. I discovered Drupal during an internship. At the company I was working for, Drupal was the main CMS used to manage content for their websites.
My passion is learning software and technology. I am always looking to challenge myself and learn new things. I have been fascinated by computers since I was young, so I decided to study computer science in college and have continued in that direction since graduation. It was a great choice for me! As a DevOps, I love working and building websites and it's exciting for me.

TUAYO TUAYO SONHANA Borel ( Secretary in charge of communication )
TUAYO TUAYO SONHANA Borel, is a digital marketing professional, webmaster, web designer and blogger. I discovered the Drupal CMS 4 years ago, with additional training and experience in digital services companies (ESN), then webmaster were enough to transform the man I was into a true digital entrepreneur. I like challenges, and adventures rich in experiences.