Drupal Cameroun DCA
Des possibilités en ligne sans précédent avec Drupal 10!

Our partnership program

Become a partner of the Drupal Cameroon Association (DCA) and help strengthen the Drupal community.

Become a partner of Drupal Cameroon

Drupal Cameroon is a professional association of users, companies and developers of the Free and Open Source CMS Drupal in Cameroon. Become a partner as an agency or individual, share your knowledge and experience with other industry players and contribute to Drupal as a company!

The association is non-profit and run by volunteers. Our costs are covered by sponsors (of events) and our partnership program.


Our goals?

The Drupal Cameroon association exists since August 2019. The association has set as its objective:

 Promote the Drupal CMS (Content Management System), mainly to professionals;
 To enhance the skills of Drupal CMS professionals;
 To ensure the promotion of the French-speaking know-how around the technologies related to DRUPAL;​​​​​​​
 To assist in the development of the Drupal CMS by contributing to certain works (developments, documentation, etc.) It may also devote itself to any activity related to the Drupal CMS and more broadly to information technology, particularly in terms of training and dissemination of knowledge;
 To operate and manage the community site;​​​​​​​
 To participate in maintaining the French translation of Drupal and its main contribution modules;​​​​​​​
 To participate in the creation and maintenance of French language documentation.

In addition, we promote Drupal by participating in trade shows and maintaining Drupalcameroun.cm. You will find on the following link:   Our partners ; those who already trust us

Our partnership program

Our partner program consists of 4 variants: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Individual. The content of the affiliate program is as follows:

Your benefitsIndividualBronzeSilverGOLD
Receive a 10% discount on DCA partnership packages    
Gold DCA sponsor badge on your own website    
Logo on Drupalcameroun.cm in the gold category    
Own page on Drupalcameroun.cm    
Active social media    
Logo on the camp t-shirt    
List of jobs on the website with promotion    
Registration on Drupalcameroun.cm in the Bronze category    
Receive a 5% discount on DCA partnership packages    
Registration on Drupalcameroun.cm in the Silver category    
Individual DCA sponsor badge on own website    
DAC Bronze sponsor badge on own website    
Silver DAC Sponsor Badge on its own website    
Attribution on Drupalcameroun.cm in the individual category    
Price / Year (excluding VAT)XAF 20 000 (€30)XAF 200 000 (€300)XAF 500 000 (€750)XAF 820 000 (€ 1250)
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